domingo, 31 de mayo de 2020

ENGLISH ACT Primer grado Tr. Sarahi Mendoza

English project

Trabajo desde casa (Tercera parte)
Teacher: Karen Sarahí Mendoza Pérez
Unit 4 “B”

Social practice of the language: Understand and write instructions
Environment: Academic and educational
Specific competency: Write instructions to use a bilingual dictionary.

ü  Locates and reads the definitions of words both in English and Spanish.
ü  Understands the use of upper case letters,lower case letters and abbreviations in a dictionary.


1.- Las actividades se realizaran en el cuaderno, las evidencias de los trabajos se recibirán en el correo reviso todos los días el correo así que estaré resolviendo dudas y preguntas por este medio, además que es importante tener evidencia de sus trabajos, pueden adjuntar una fotografía o enviar en digital es bien recibido J esperando que estén todos en casa con salud

Durante esta actividad, aprenderemos la clasificación de las palabras (parts of speech), su uso en el diccionario y algunos de los símbolos que aparecen en las traducciones de las palabras.
This is the clasification of all the words that we use in english in groups


A word with refers to a person, place or thing.

table, Peter, mathematics


A word which refers to an action.

Jump, drink, think


A word which describes a noun.

Beautiful, large, horrible


A word which describes an action.

Quickly, carefully, fast


A word that is used instead of a noun.

I, it, them, she.

Modal verb

A verb used with another verb to express more meaning.

Can, should, would, may, might.

Auxiliary verb

A verb used with main verbs to show tense and to make questions and negatives

Do, does, was, wee, am, is , are


A group of words expressing an idea with a subject, a verb and a full stop.

I love it when it rains.


A groups of words that asks for information. It begins with a question work or an auxiliary and ends with a question mark.

What is the weather like today?


A piece of writing, usually many sentences, which is about one subject.

Perth is  a beautiful city. The Swan river runs through it and the views from Kings Park are amazing.


The Phonetic alphabet consist in simbols that represent the sound of the letters and the correct pronunciation of the words. Each symbol represents a different sound and are different of the ones we use in spanish,


Existen muchos sonidos para las vocales, que están representados a la izquierda y las consonantes se encuentran a la derecha para localizar el sonido se debe pronunciar las palabras

Write on your notebook the correct definition of each one of the parts of the speech

1.- Adjective: describes a noun
book PAG 27  act 5

Mark with red color the parts of the speech in the definitions and with blue the phonetics of each word

book pag 27 act 6


·        Durante esta actividad, aprenderemos como usar correctamente un diccionario español- ingles, inglés- español.
Recomendación buscar en Facebook el video “the importance of how to use a dictionary” donde ejemplifica el uso correcto e incorrecto de un diccionario.
Descripción: C:\Users\DELL\Pictures\Screenshot_20200504-213545.png

En act 1 se investigaran las partes de una definición en un diccionario biingue (todos los símbolos y palabras que aparecen además de la traducción)

En act 2 se utilizara el diccionario para traducir primeras palabras

An English- Spanish  (bilingual) dictionary consist in 2 parts:

1.   one of them with words in English and translations in Spanish
time: 1 n. tiempo  2(clock) hora 3.(occasion) vez

2.   one part  with words in spanish and the translations in english
tiempo: n. time  2. Reloj 3. Hora

The dictionary also counts with somme simbols used to explain the word and to understand more about it

 Read the definitions then write in the correct one (blue word) in the right place in the example

1.   Entries appear in bold in alphabetical order (bold=negritas)
2.   Arabic numbers (1,2,3…) indicate the subentries.
3.   Roman numbers (I,II,III) indicate a change in the part of speech in the same entry (cambio en la clasificacion de palabras)
4.   The phoetic transcription is located between slashes (/…/)
5.   The abreviations is in italics stand for parts of speech.
6.   The guidewords indicate the fist and last word in each page.
7.   The symbol ­ is a placeholder for the main entry in examples
8.   The abbreviation e.g. introduces an example
9.   The words or phrases in square brackets […] shows synonyms or collocations.
10.  The word between <>show the forms of the entry (irregular verbs, irregular plural, etc.)
The translation of the word appears in a different language than the entry.

PAG 26 ejercicios 2 y 3